September 21-23, 2015 in Palais des Congrès de Versailles, France
[Further material]
There will be 7 tutorials:
Title: MODELICA Modeling Tutorial - Learn using Modelica with a tool of your choice
Presenter: Dr. Dirk Zimmer, DLR
Abstract: This tutorial offers a basic hands-on introduction in modeling and simulation with Modelica. The tutorial is aimed at people with little or no practical experience in using Modelica. All participants have the opportunity to create a model of a controlled inverse pendulum in a graphical way. This model will demonstrate the strength of Modelica by combining different fields of engineering. To this end, mechanical, electrical, and control components are simulated in a single environment.
Please bring your own laptop! For the tutorial, you can use any Modelica tool that supports graphical modeling. For participants with no tool at hand, demo versions will be provided by tool vendors. According to the current planning, at least Dymola, OpenModelica, SimulationX, and SystemModeler will be provided.
In addition to the basic modeling task, background knowledge is presented that explains six key elements of the Modelica language:
• Equation-based modeling
• Non-causal system description
• Physical connectors and signals
• Object-orientation
• Graphical modeling
• Modelica Standard Library
As final step, tasks like the modeling of hybrid systems will be carried out by introducing dry-friction and backlash to the gear model, and adapting the controller.
About the tutor:
Dr. Dirk Zimmer is member of the Modelica Association and teaching Modelica at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). In addition, he holds guest lectures at Universities of Applied Sciences and workshops for industry partners. In his teaching work, he explains the theoretical background and uses his modeling experience that he acquired at the German Aerospace Center and ETH Zurich.
Title: Introduction to Modeling, Simulation, Debugging and Optimization with Modelica and OpenModelica
Presenters: Peter Fritzson and Bernhard Thiele, Linköping University, Sweden; Bernhard Bachmann, FH Bielefeld, Germany
Abstract: This tutorial gives an introduction to the Modelica language and technology to people who are familiar with basic programming concepts and to engineers who wish to learn about Modelica. It gives a basic introduction to the concepts of modeling and simulation, as well as the basics of object-oriented component-based modeling for the novice, and an overview of modeling and simulation in a number of application areas. Moreover, an introduction to debugging Modelica models will be given, and an introduction of model-based dynamic optimization with OpenModelica including goal functions, constraints, convergence.
A number of hands-on exercises will be done during the tutorial, both graphical modeling using model components from the Modelica standard library and textual modeling involving writing a few small Modelica models. The schedule is approximately as follows:
1. Modelica background and important aspects
2. Graphical modeling and simulation introductory exercise – make an RL circuit
using components from MSL (Modelica Standard Library)
3. Overview of the OpenModelica environment and its capabilities
4. Simple hands-on model debugging exercise
5. Modelica language concepts of types, variables, classes, inheritance
6. Hands-on textual modeling of a small model
7. Modelica discrete event and hybrid properties including state machines
8. Small discrete-event and small state machine exercise.
9. Modelica concepts of components, connectors and connections
10. Short overview of the Modelica standard library
11. Graphical modeling hands-on exercise: extend the RL-circuit to a DC-Motor;
if there is time also add a PI controller in a feedback loop.
12. Model-based dynamic optimization with OpenModelica including goal functions,
constraints, convergence.
13. If there is time, a small model-based dynamic optimization exercise.
Bring your Laptop! Extensive hands-on exercises using OpenModelica will be done during the tutorial.
Peter Fritzson is a Professor and Research Director of the Programming Environment Laboratory (PELAB), at Linköping University, Sweden. Peter Fritzson is director of the Open Source Modelica Consortium and vice chairman of the Modelica Association. Professor Fritzson has published 18 books/proceedings and more than 280 scientific papers.
Bernhard Thiele is researcher at PELAB, Linköping University. He contributed to the design of the state machine concept in the Modelica 3.3 language and has implemented the current state machine support in OpenModelica.
Bernhard Bachmann is a Professor at FH Bielefeld, Germany. His group develops most of the numerical/symbolic solver and dynamic optimization parts of OpenModelica.
Title: Optimal control and state estimation with Modelica and Optimica
Presenters: Johan Åkesson, Christian Andersson, Toivo Henningsson, Per-Ola Larsson, Stéphane Velut, Modelon AB
Abstract: This tutorial demonstrates how Modelica and Optimica are used to formulate and solve optimization problems targeting control of industrial processes.
A key focus of the tutorial is usability of numerical algorithms when solving dynamic optimization problems arising in control applications. While numerical algorithms and software for non-linear dynamic optimization has been available for many years, industrial application is often hindered by challenges in achieving robust convergence for large-scale models. This tutorial demonstrates how new tool capabilities support users in isolating and resolving convergence problems. In particular, means to isolate problematic equations that contribute to non-convergence in Modelica models are presented. In addition novel heuristics for problem scaling is used to further improve convergence robustness. Participants are offered hands on experiences with effective tools for achieving convergence in industrial optimization problems.
Attention is given to methods to achieve real-time performance in non-linear model predictive control (NMPC) and Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) applications. New tool capabilities supporting warm-start of optimization algorithms significantly reduce solve time when solving a sequence of optimization problems, as is done in NMPC and MHE.
The tutorial offers on open source tool track which is based on and one commercial tool track which is based on the OPTIMICA Compiler Toolkit. The latter track also offers hands on experiences with optimization of industrial power generation systems.
The tutorial is supported by Modelon’s experts in optimization technology and optimization of power generation systems.
Title: Working with MapleSim 2015
Presenter: Chad Schmitke, MapleSim Development, Maplesoft
Abstract: MapleSim allows users to create and document their own symbolic and numeric analyses of Modelica models in a rich problem-solving environment. Although the basics of creating and simulating models within MapleSim will be covered, the focus of the tutorial will be on the connection between MapleSim and Maple, and the unique analysis opportunities it provides. Hands-on exercises in a variety of application areas will demonstrate how to work with Modelica models within this environment. We will also look at how the resulting analysis can be easily wrapped in a custom UI (sliders, interactive plots, etc.) and deployed on the web.
Example areas will include: extracting, interrogating, and solving kinematic and dynamic equations; creating, manipulating and discretizing PDEs; automatically converting Maple equations into Modelica components; creating parametric, linearized models and finding their Eigenvalues; using MapleSim’s programming interface to perform parameter sweeps and optimizations.
Title: FMI user meeting
Presenters: Torsten Blochwitz (MAP FMI Project Leader) et. al.
Abstract: The FMI Project organizes this "FMI User Meeting" within the tutorial/workshop session on the first day of the MODELICA Conference 2015 as a complement to the scientific track(s) on FMI. The intention is to increase the interaction between FMI users in different companies / institutions and the Modelica Association Project FMI.
In a first part, an overview on the FMI ecosystem will be given by the FMI Project leader. The working modus of the FMI Project and the new development process will be presented including FMI Change Proposals and supporting tools. The current status of the FMI standard and current development directions will be summarized. In a second part, FMI users will give presentations showing how FMI is used for model interchange between different companies or different departments resp. engineering domains within one company, enabling collaborative model-based systems engineering. Users can also give feedback on their experience with FMI and missing features for the future. Additionally, the connection of FMI to past and future research projects will be summarized.
Invited presentations
Title: Overview on the FMI project
Authors: Torsten Blochwitz (MAP FMI Project Leader + ITI)
Title: FMI Processes
Authors: Torsten Blochwitz (MAP FMI Project Leader + ITI) and
Andreas Junghanns (QTronic)
Title: FMI Working Groups
Authors: Torsten Blochwitz (MAP FMI Project Leader + ITI)
Title: Smart Systems Engineering
Authors: Stefan Rude (BMW AG)
Selected presentations
Title: Initiatives for acausal model connection using FMI in JSAE
(Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan)
Authors: Yutaka Hirano (Toyota Motor Corporation),
Satoshi Shimada (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.), Yoichi Teraoka (Mazda Motor
Corporation), Osamu Seya (DENSO CORPORATION), Yuji Ohsumi (AZAPA Co.,
Ltd.), Shintaroh Murakami (Dassault Systèmes K.K.), Tomohide Hirono
(NewtonWorks Corporation), Takayuki Sekisue (ANSYS Japan K.K.)
Title: HiL real-time testing of a gearbox controller unit including a physical gearbox FMU
Authors: Peter Rissling (BMW Group), Andreas Pillekeit (dSPACE GmbH), Christian Kehrer (ITI GmbH)
Title: Systems Model Integration & Distribution using the Functional Mock-up Interface at Jaguar Land Rover Ltd.
Authors: James Chapman (Jaguar Land Rover Ltd.)
Title: Usage of FMI at Audi and Volkswagen
Authors: Christoph Bals (Audi AG), Thies Filler and Andreas Soppa (Volkswagen AG)
Title: FMI experience at ZF – Progress in Modelica Association Project „System Structure and Parameterization“
Authors: Jochen Köhler and Michael Kübler (ZF Friedrichshafen AG)
Title: FMI-based Model Exchange for Aircraft Energy Systems
Authors: Dirk Zimmer (DLR), Tim Giese (Airbus
Operations GmbH), Matthieu Crespo (Liebherr-Aerospace), Sébastien Vial
(Airbus Operations SAS)
Title: Git and GitHub for Modelica users and developers
Presenters: Dietmar Winkler, Mike Tiller
Abstract: This tutorial provides an introduction to Git, the distributed version control system, and GitHub. It is divided in two main parts:
1. Getting started with Git:
- Why Version Control
- Light introduction to what Git actually does
- First commands to create repositories, change files, commit changes
2. Getting started with GitHub:
- Create a fork of an existing project
- Real bug fixing of example issues by use of
* branching
* committing changes with correct commit messages
* creating pull requests
* getting pull-requests accepted
3. More advanced git commands explained (if time allows)
* a laptop with a modern browser (Firefox or Chrome are recommended)
* for part 1. you can additionally install git locally on your machine ( but participating using only your web browser is fine too.
* for part 2. a free GitHub account is needed. It helps if you set up this in advance by signing up for GitHub under:
In the past, open-source projects have been migrating away from centralized version control systems like CVS and Subversion to decentralized ones. At the moment, the most popular of these is Git.
Two years ago, the Modelica Association started making all its Modelica libraries available via GitHub as Git mirrors
( and placing all user libraries in one central place ( Subsequently library repositories increasingly evolved from being mirrors to being real Git repository with development taking place on GitHub.
Git's decentralized development makes it easy for developers to modify, fix and contribute to the libraries of others. In addition, GitHub provides great infrastructure to support communication, forking and issue tracking. For open source projects, GitHub's functionality is completely free.
Title: Dependability Analysis for Modelica Models
Presenter: Marc Bouissou, EDF; Lena Buffoni, Linköping University
Abstract: In the development of modern large-scale systems, the verification of important non-functional requirements such as dependability and safety is often postponed to the last stages of the development process with a high risk of having to revise even basic design choices and with a consequent increase in both completion time and development costs. Including dependability information in models from the early stages would ensure that the system design takes into consideration these important factors. The tutorial will introduce the basic principles of dependability analysis for beginners, with a focus on Fault Analysis Trees. The goal is to show how to model failures in a system using FTA, to introduce key algorithms for FTA analysis and to introduce the tool-chain for generating FTAs automatically from Modelica models using the Figaro extension for Modelica. Figaro is a reliability modelling language developed by EDF (Électricité de France) to be a general representation formalism.
The tutorial will be hands on, so bring a laptop with a Windows environment. Participants will be shown through a series of exercises how to add dependability information to Modelica models with the use of the Figaro library, how to work with a Figaro knowledge base to define dependability rules for a class of Modelica systems and how to generate fault trees from Modelica models extended with dependability properties. Emphasis will be made on using inheritance and OO principles to maximise reusability and efficiency when adding dependability information to models.